This is the latest recevied packets stored in our database for station/object BH5HSX-2. If no packets are shown the sender has not sent any packets the latest 24 hours.
If you compare the raw packets with similar data from other websites it may differ (especially the path), the reason is that we are not collecting packets from the same APRS-IS servers. Each APRS-IS server performes duplicate filtering, and which packet that is considered to be a duplicate may differ depending on which APRS-IS server you receive your data from.
BH5HSX-2>APJYC1,WIDE1-1,qAS,BH5HSX-2:=3014.57N/12002.39Eq 西溪且留下 [和平:赢得战争只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。--罗勃朗宁]
:BH5HSX-2>APJYC1,WIDE1-1,qAS,BH5HSX-2:=3014.54N/12002.50Eq 西溪且留下 [和平:我们的生命,像世界的协奏曲,由相异的因素组成由各种各样的声调组成,美妙的和刺耳的,尖锐的和平展的,活泼的和庄严的。--蒙田]
:BH5HSX-2>APJYC1,WIDE1-1,qAS,BH5HSX-2:=3014.56N/12002.40Eq 西溪且留下 [和平:不能用和平取得的东西,就用拳头来取。--希特勒]
:BH5HSX-2>APJYC1,WIDE1-1,qAS,BH5HSX-2:=3014.57N/12002.46Eq 西溪且留下 [和平:从来就不存在好的战争,也不存在坏的和平。--富兰克林]
:BH5HSX-2>APJYC1,WIDE1-1,qAS,BH5HSX-2:=3014.53N/12002.47Eq 西溪且留下 [和平:安得务农息战斗,普天无吏横索钱。--杜甫]
:BH5HSX-2>APJYC1,WIDE1-1,qAS,BH5HSX-2:=3014.67N/12002.51Eq 西溪且留下 [和平:世上的暴君,若准备打一场战争,不到万事俱备,总是要侈谈和平的。--茨威格]